Blessed & Encouraged
Tranquil Tales Bedtime Stories
Tale 001: The Forgiving Father

Tale 001: The Forgiving Father

Tranquil Tales 001

Thanks for stopping by!

Tranquil Tales Bedtime Stories are here for you, to ease your body, and bring rest to your mind.

This Evening we explore the story of the Forgiving Father: In a bustling city, a wealthy businessman grants his restless younger son his inheritance. The son indulges in a life of extravagance, only to lose everything and find himself empty. He returns home seeking forgiveness, and his loving father welcomes him with open arms. The older son struggles with bitterness but eventually embraces forgiveness, and a grand celebration ensues. The tale becomes a parable of the enduring power of compassion, redemption, and the love of a forgiving father.

Before we embark on this enchanting journey together, I invite you to take a moment for yourself, ensuring a tranquil night's rest. Set your alarms and attend to any unfinished tasks, so you wake up rejuvenated and prepared to conquer the day that awaits.

As you immerse yourself in this soothing tale, may it wash over you with tranquility, guiding you into a serene slumber. And when morning comes, we eagerly await your input. Share your thoughts, reflections, and even the dreams this story ignites within you. Your comments hold great significance to us as we endeavor to create content that aligns with your spiritual path, and we eagerly anticipate your words as a testament to the bond we share.

I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation for allowing me to be a part of your nightly ritual. It's an honor to accompany you into a peaceful sleep and be part of this beautiful journey. To all the cherished listeners of the Blessed & Encouraged Podcast, I'm excited to begin your mornings with words of encouragement, uplifting you to conquer the day's challenges and celebrate your triumphs.

So, my dear listener, take a deep breath, settle in, and let us begin with a meditation to center you and help you shed the weight of the day. Let this, and the tale of The Forgiving Father, carry you away into the realm of dreams. May you awaken in the morning, refreshed and inspired, ready to embrace the new day with a sense of purpose and joy.

You can see what next by reading the Volume Index

Chapter 2: The Lost Sheep
Chapter 2: The Lost Sheep

Guided Meditation

Begin by finding a comfortable and quiet space where you can relax without any distractions. Sit or lie down in a position that feels natural to you, allowing your body to settle into a state of comfort and ease. Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, slowly exhaling any tension or worries from the day.

Take a moment to acknowledge the events and activities of your day, recognizing that it is now time to let go and embrace relaxation. Picture a gentle stream of water flowing in front of you, symbolizing the passing of time and the release of thoughts and responsibilities.

Now, bring your attention to your breath. Take a deep breath in through your nose, feeling your abdomen rise with each inhalation. Hold the breath for a moment, and then exhale slowly through your mouth, letting go of any lingering stress or tension. Repeat this a few more times, focusing solely on the soothing rhythm of your breath.

Imagine yourself standing in front of a beautiful, serene garden. This is your personal sanctuary, a place of tranquility and peace. As you walk through the garden, notice the vibrant colors, the gentle scent of flowers, and the calming sounds of nature. Allow yourself to fully immerse in this peaceful environment.

In this garden, you come across a small, decorative box. Open it to find a collection of radiant, glowing orbs. Each orb represents a worry or concern from your day. Take a moment to pick up each orb, acknowledging the thoughts and feelings associated with it. Then, gently release it back into the box, letting go of the weight it carried.

"In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety."

Psalm 4:8

Allow these words to reassure you that God's presence brings peace and safety, enabling you to rest with a calm and tranquil heart.

With each orb you release, feel a sense of lightness and freedom washing over you. Your mind becomes clearer, and a profound sense of relaxation envelops your entire being. Take as much time as you need to release each worry, knowing that this is your time to unwind and find inner peace.

Now, it's time to set your intentions for tomorrow. Visualize yourself setting your alarms for the next day, preparing for a new beginning yet again. Picture the alarm clock and feel a sense of anticipation and readiness for the day ahead. Trust that when you awaken in the morning, you will feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to embrace the opportunities that await you.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Matthew 11:28

Find solace in these comforting words of Jesus, inviting you to release your burdens and find rest in Him.

May this meditation continue to resonate in your heart, reminding you of the peace, safety, and rest that come from God's loving presence.

May you carry this sense of tranquility with you as we embark on another Tranquil Tale...


Once upon a time, in the bustling heart of a grand city filled with dreams and aspirations, there lived a prosperous businessman. His wealth and influence were renowned, but his true treasure lay in his family. He had two sons, each with their own unique ambitions, dreams, and complexities.

The younger son, brimming with restlessness and a burning desire for independence, approached his father one day with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "Father," he said, his voice tinged with both eagerness and longing, "I yearn to explore the world, to discover my own path. Please, grant me my rightful share of the inheritance, so that I may venture forth and forge my own destiny."

The father's heart ached with a tinge of sorrow, for he knew the perils and temptations that awaited his young son beyond the protective walls of their home. But he also understood the fire that raged within his heart, the fervent need to find his own place in the world. With a heavy sigh and a tear glistening in his eye, the father reluctantly agreed, realizing that true growth sometimes required venturing into the unknown.

And so, with a mixture of excitement and trepidation, the young son received his share of the inheritance, bidding farewell to his family and setting off on a journey into the great unknown. His youthful exuberance led him to distant lands, where he embraced the freedom that his newfound wealth afforded him.

Immersed in a world of opulence, he reveled in the exhilaration of extravagant parties, luxurious indulgences, and the captivating allure of those who promised transient pleasures. Yet, as time danced on, his wealth began to dwindle, like sand slipping through his fingers, until he found himself alone, adrift amidst a sea of shattered dreams and empty promises.

In the midst of his struggle, his heart heavy with the weight of his choices, the young son's eyes were opened to the emptiness that consumed his existence. The luster of his former life began to fade, replaced by an overwhelming sense of hollowness and longing. He yearned for the warmth, love, and acceptance he had once known within the sanctuary of his father's house.

With a humbled heart and tears streaming down his face, he made the life-altering decision to return home, to seek his father's forgiveness and embrace the hope of redemption. With each step bringing him closer to the city he once called home, the son's anticipation mingled with apprehension. His mind swirled with questions of whether his father would receive him back, whether forgiveness could bridge the chasm he had created.

Unbeknownst to him, his father had never ceased to love him. Every day since his son's departure, the father would stand at his office window, gaze fixed on the distant horizon, yearning for that moment of reunion. And on that fateful day, when the weary traveler appeared on the horizon, a speck amidst the sprawling landscape, the father's heart leaped with joy, and weariness transformed into a renewed hope.

Without a moment's hesitation, the father sprinted toward his son, his eyes shining with tears of joy and reconciliation. Society's expectations melted away as he disregarded propriety, embracing his prodigal child with arms wide open. Overwhelmed by a flood of emotions, the young son fell to his knees, his voice trembling as he whispered, "Father, I have sinned against you and against heaven. I am no longer worthy to be called your son."

But the forgiving father, his eyes brimming with compassion, reached out, lifting his son from the dust and drawing him into an embrace that transcended time and regret. "My child," he said, his voice a gentle caress, "you were lost, but now you are found. Welcome home! Let the past be buried, and let us rejoice!"

With those words, he called for a grand feast, inviting friends, family, and the entire community to join in their joyous reunion. The city came alive with festivity, its streets pulsating with laughter, music, and the intoxicating aroma of sumptuous dishes. The reconciled father and son stood as a beacon of hope for all who witnessed their story—a testament to the transformative power of forgiveness and the boundless love of a forgiving father.

But amidst the jubilation, there lingered a poignant presence—the older son, who had remained faithfully by his father's side, steadfast and unwavering. As he watched the scene unfold, confusion and resentment seeped into his heart. He questioned the father's decision to forgive so readily, to embrace the wayward son with open arms. Bitterness gnawed at his soul, for he felt that his years of loyalty and service had been overlooked.

In his anguish, the older son approached his father, his voice tinged with a mixture of pain and frustration. "Father," he cried, his words laced with bitterness, "all these years I have remained by your side, serving you faithfully. Yet you never threw such a lavish celebration for me. Why do you now rejoice over this prodigal son of yours?"

The father, his face etched with lines of wisdom and compassion, placed a hand on his older son's shoulder and spoke with gentle firmness. "My dear son," he said, his voice carrying the weight of experience, "you have always been with me, and everything I have is yours. But this brother of yours was lost and has been found. It is only right that we celebrate his return and the redemption of a lost soul."

In that moment, the older son's heart softened, the icy grip of bitterness slowly releasing its hold. He realized the truth in his father's words—that the celebration was not a testament to his own loyalty, but a testament to the transformative power of forgiveness, redemption, and the limitless capacity of love. With newfound understanding, he joined his father and brother in the grand celebration, leaving behind the shadows of resentment and embracing the profound lessons of forgiveness and reconciliation.

And so, the city came alive with festivity, its streets ablaze with light and resounding with laughter. The reconciled father and son, their love mending what was broken, stood as a testament to the enduring power of compassion and the indomitable spirit of grace. The tale of the forgiving father echoed throughout the city, inspiring countless souls to seek forgiveness, extend mercy, and embrace the power of redemption.

Years passed, and the legacy of the forgiving father endured. The story became a timeless parable, whispered in the hearts of those burdened by guilt, those seeking solace, and those yearning for a second chance. For in that story lay a truth that transcended time and touched the deepest recesses of the human soul—that no matter how far one may stray, the love of a forgiving father knows no bounds, and it is never too late to find one's way back home.

The End.

Good Night!

Thank you for joining us on this journey of faith and reflection. I hope that tonight's tale has brought you moments of inspiration, encouragement, and deep reflection.

As we conclude this episode, I want to take a moment to offer a prayer for your rest and peaceful dreams.

Heavenly Father,

We come before you with grateful hearts for the time we've spent together. We thank you for your presence that has guided our conversation and filled our hearts with your truth. As we prepare to rest our bodies and set our minds at ease, we ask for your blessings of good rest and sweet dreams.

Lord, we pray that you calm any anxious thoughts or worries that may attempt to keep us awake. Blanket us with your peace and grant us a sense of deep relaxation as we surrender ourselves into your loving care.

We ask that you guard our minds and protect us from any negative influences or disturbing dreams. May our dreams be filled with the beauty of your presence, bringing us comfort, inspiration, and a sense of connection to you.

As we lay our heads upon our pillows, we place our trust in you, knowing that you are the ultimate source of safety, peace, and rest. We surrender our concerns and burdens into your capable hands, knowing that you will watch over us through the night.

In Jesus name, we pray,


… And Sweet Dreams :)

Thank you again for joining me today. I hope that this prayer brings you a deep sense of peace and assurance as you enter into a restful night. May God's love and grace be with you always. Goodnight, and sweet dreams.

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Blessed & Encouraged
Tranquil Tales Bedtime Stories
Close the evening on a more tranquil note with our bedtime stories and parables. Set your alarm before you start and share your comments when you wake!
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